There is a saying that “paper is more patient than man”….Yes, there is no doubt that paper is patient and as I don’t intend to show this cardboard-covered notebook bearing the proud name of “diary,” to anyone, unless I find a real friend, boy or girl, probably nobody cares. And now I come to the root of the matter, the reason for my starting a diary; it is that I have no such real friend.
-Anne Frank
If you have ever wondered why people enjoy writing this quote above sums it up. People face so many trials and challenges both good and bad (yes you can have a good trial or challenge). Have you ever just wanted to ramble off all of your thoughts? Remember an important to-do? Write a fun story or describe a tree in full detail? All of this can be done in a blank sheet of paper bound in a book that is only meant for your eyes to scan. Journals offer people a release and it does not inhibit us from really being true to ourselves. The best books come from the musings of a journal. My first main character Janelle came from a journal. I wrote about my life and how being married to my husband had caused conflict with people in our lives due to us being from a different racial background. Many people would ask us questions such as what will you do about the kids? We were only dating at this point so we thought this was a weird question but that question made me realize that some people had problems understanding multi-cultural families. I decided to journal about this and from my writings came Janelle. Studies have proved that journaling is a large key to stress relief. Your journal will never get tired of your thoughts. It will always be the open book that you can pour your soul into without the threat of rejection or ridicule. Even though we may not all be writers we all have a story and having a journal makes the story known even if it is just to ourselves.
Take sometime to write down your innermost thoughts this week and see how it changes your perspective.
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