Professionals Against Bullying

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pre-school, Pro-social behaviors and prevention

How early is too early to talk to kids about bullying? This is a question that I am asked often by parents. This year I am honored to share that I have been asked to address parents of pre-schoolers in exploring prevention strategies and pro-social behavior seminars. The first one will be at the Lowry Center at Oakland University this month. Bullying is a hot topic amongst elementary through high school populations. My goal is to make sure that dialogue is not exclusive and that education on relational aggression can be a safe topic to discuss in any age group. The first time that I recall being bullied was when I was four years old. Many people can attest to earlier signs of relational aggression. Pro-social strategies can help children embrace behaviors that focus on kindness and fairness. Is your school or organization interested in having a Pro-social prevention seminar? Please feel free to email us for more information at
-Read Something great

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