Professionals Against Bullying

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hi Readers,

I had a great time with some of the kids that I volunteer with at a Valentine's Party. The reason why it was so great is that we made Valentine's for soldiers. It is great to receive a candy filled heart from that special someone or flowers. I enjoy getting gifts like everyone else. However this was fun because we we're able to give our hearts to those who may not get something special this Valentine's Day. I was so proud of the way the volunteers put extra efforts into making the cards just right for those fighting for our country. This Valentine's day think of someone who could use your heart. It's easy to use this day to help someone with chores, or make them dinner. I know that my readers are very creative and that you will come up with a special way to show people that you care. Remember that the Young Writer's workshop is coming up on February sure to register!

Read something great!

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