Professionals Against Bullying

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The best gift

When we think about gifts it is so easy to have visions of wrapping paper and bows. The holidays are near and everyone is checking their budget for the best gift to give to those they care about. When I think of some of my favorite gifts that I received as a child....I remember anticipation of pretty dolls with perfect hair and painted faces. I also remember reading stories from brand new books. The pages full of beautiful illustrations and the story living in my heart after the book is closed. My goal is to give a gift with my writing so that when I am no longer here my words still speak. I hope that even though dolls are pretty and dainty that kids realize they don't have to look like plastic figures to be accepted. Some of the gifts given this year will not be as new as some of the books that I received when I was young but they will be worth so much more than the price on the back cover. If a book can help a child to understand someone who is different and to embrace the unique qualities that they have inside of themselves that book is priceless even if it has a tattered cover. Read something great!

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