It was great to see many of you at Biggby Coffee yesterday for the Storytime & signing event. Lots of kids colored their own interpretation of Janelle (the main character of "Who I am not what I am"). I will be posting those photos on this blog in the near future. Some people added glasses to the sketch of Janelle and others gave her blond hair. I had lots of fun with this activity because everyone gave a unique quality to Janelle. This emphasizes the fact that the world is full of great people who all have different qualities. At the end of the event the wall was covered with the same photo but all of them were unique. I hope that this blog reinforces that being different from others is normal and it is ok if you are the only one in your class with glasses or braces. It's also fine if you don't have the newest clothes or the most friends. What is truly important is your attitude and the way you treat people and yourself. Being kind to others is a quality that makes you more attractive than a complete makeover from a well-known store. Loving yourself is great because you are special and you should be proud of that.
If you were not able to make this event my next stop is Madonna University for a special author event. I will be in their library on December 4th at 1 p.m. signing books and talking about my career and why I wrote the story of Janelle and "Who I am not what I am". I will also be in NYC this weekend at the Staten Island Mall on Sat from 12-2 at Borders Express! My first Book signing in NYC! I hope that you can make it and if you have contacts in that area please share this blog with them.
If you are an aspiring writer or a person who just likes to write ...join me on December 13th at the Novi Public Library from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.! I will be faciliatting a Creative Writing Workshop. Cost is $15 per person. Email me at whoiamnotwhatiam@yahoo.com for details. Here is a bonus writing exercise for today: Write a poem using all of the unique qualities that you possess. Feel free to share them on this blog if you like!
Read something good!
Tara Michener
1 comment:
I am glad a good time was had by all! biggbybob.com :)
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